August 31, 2011

Plum crumble!

Thanks to my friend Mary! This is her work! Very sweet and very plummy crumble - yummy :)

August 23, 2011

Velvet cold cheesecake with peaches

This is very similar cheesecake to that. If you like cold cheesecakes (no baking), you'll be delighted.
There is nothing much to say - just must try!

August 21, 2011

Every-Day-parts #1

Early Morning



Express healthy oat bran pancakes
raspberry smothie


Soba noodle with shrimps


snack: raspberries

Afternoon & Night

Trip to heritage park in Nowogród
drink curdled milk

August 20, 2011

Vegan Pumpkin Pie

With honey and cinnamon - like gingerbread. Like it very much - it's so delicate and fluffy.
Even if you're not a vegan - must try! Taste delicious! 

August 13, 2011

Apricot jam with vanilla

I thought that I don't like apricots. They don't taste very sweet, actually they don't have very distinctive taste.
Until when I made jam. Warmed apricots have a deep flavour. Fantastic! Must try :) and from that moment you'll love apricots :-)


August 7, 2011

Emotion's links #1

So... in the last days I love:

Flea markets in NY - can't wait go there when I'm in NY
This print - from my favourite vintage shop
This House - simplicity, minimalism, white, pure... Perfect! I'm in love ;-)
coffee with vanila ice cream - really yummmy!
drinking fresh mint leaves flooded boiling water - whats a fantastic smell and taste - wow! (like in my photo)
Bright Bazaar and Sweet Paul blogs - amazing place with full of inspirations. Thank you Guys :)

August 6, 2011

Smoked Mackerel. Paste. Saturday breakfast.

Do you like pastes for bread?
Pesto, hummus, tapenade... I love all of them.
Anyone who likes smoked mackerel, will be satistied. Perfect for lazy breakfast in weekend.
All you must to do is combine all igredients.
Best served with crusty fresh bread and green tea :-)

Simplicity and minimalism - as I like.